Vivo Boxes


Custom Stationery Boxes

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Do you sell stationery products? They may be pretty necessary for a lot of people, but they are not always the most exciting of products to try and send flying off the shelves, right? That means you need to do everything you possibly can to showcase them and make them attractive to the consumer. How do you do that? Custom stationery boxes from VIVO BOXES are a good place to start!

The Charm of Custom Stationery Boxes

Custom stationery boxes are more than just packaging; they are an experience! That may sound dramatic and you might be wondering how a piece of cardboard can possibly be an experience of any kind, but if you imagine receiving a beautifully crafted box, which you delicately open to reveal a stunning piece of stationery, and you can see how the right packaging can tell a story, enhance the experience of receiving a simple pen, for example, and add a whole lot of luxury and sophistication to a humble product. Can you see it now?

Bespoke Solutions for Your Brand

At VIVO BOXES, we understand that each brand has its own unique identity that it wants to protect and that it wants to shine through in every aspect of everything they do, including the packaging. That is why our custom stationery boxes are tailored to resonate with your brand’s ethos no matter what your ethos may be. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or an elaborate one, our team works diligently to bring your vision to life.

Diverse Range for Every Need

Stationery comes in all shapes and sizes, and, you will be thrilled to discover, so do our boxes. From small boxes suitable for individual pens or pencils to larger ones designed for a full set of stationery, our range is as diverse as the offerings at the average food court. Our boxes are perfect for a variety of uses, including gift boxes, subscription boxes, or even as part of a mystery or surprise stationery package.

Durable and of the Highest Quality 

Crafted with Care

Quality is at the core of the VIVO BOXES ethos. We go to pains to ensure that each and every stationery box we send out is crafted with precision and care. This is why you can take it to the bank that your boxes will not only look exquisite but also provide ample protection to the contents inside. Durability and longevity? That’s what we do!

Planet-Friendly Options

In our commitment to sustainability, we are delighted to offer eco-friendly packaging solutions that are good for the planet, and even better for your rep. Our custom stationery boxes made from recyclable materials not only help in reducing the carbon footprint but also cater to the growing eco-conscious customer base too.

Design and Customisation

Endless Design Possibilities

We don’t like to brag, but the design possibilities with VIVO BOXES are truly endless. Our custom stationery boxes can be adorned with your brand logo, catchy taglines, or unique artwork. The choice of colours, textures, and finishes are vast, allowing you to create packaging that truly stands out. Matte finish? We got you. Glossy fish? It’s all good.

Tailored to Fit

We believe that customisation is key to cute and practical custom stationer boxes, which is why ours can also be tailored to fit your products perfectly, ensuring they remain secure and presentable. Whether you need a snug fit for a delicate pen or ample space for a stationery set, we can customise the size and shape to meet your specifications.

The VIVO BOXES Experience

Simple and Efficient Process

Our process is designed to be as simple as possible while also being as speedy as possible. From selecting the box type you desire to finalising the design, our team ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience. Simple!

Customer-Centric Service

At VIVO BOXES, we aim to delight the customer at every turn. Attention? We got it in spades? Care? We do. Meeting your needs? Our aim in life.

Australian Market Insights

Being based in Australia, we get the market completely. Our insight into Australian packaging needs means we can provide the right solutions with the right outlook for the right product every time.

Not Just Stationery

We don’t just do custom stationery boxes either. If you have shirts to sell, soap to package, or products to display, we got your back.

Get Your Custom Stationery Boxes Today

If decorative custom stationery boxes are just the thing you need to send your sales soaring, then VIVO BOXES are about to be your new best friend. Simply give us a ring on (03) 8795 7742 or say hello to us at, let us know what you need, and we’ll help you come up with something special to sell that stationery like never before!

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