Vivo Boxes


Custom Display Boxes

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When you are trying to sell a product to customers, then it is important that you do whatever you can to catch their eye and pique their interest in an instant. One of the best ways to do that is with custom display boxes like our VIVO BOXES. 

Manufactured to your bespoke requirements, our range of custom display boxes, including custom counter display boxes and custom cardboard display boxes, offers an effective and stylish solution for showcasing your products so that they really shine. 

Want to know more? Here’s an introduction to our different types of custom boxes, designed to enhance your product packaging and display needs.

Custom Display Boxes That Make Your Products Stand Out

Our custom display boxes are designed to not only protect your products so that they reach the customer just as you, and they, intended, but also to make them stand out. Whether it’s on a retail shelf or a countertop, these boxes are tailored to increase visibility and attract potential customers. Made from high-quality materials, our boxes ensure durability and an aesthetic appeal that resonates with your brand identity, whatever that may be.

Custom Counter Display Boxes: Maximising Exposure

When it comes to maximising product exposure, our custom counter display boxes are something you want to have on your side. Perfectly suited for pretty much any point-of-sale location you can think of, these boxes are designed to fit neatly on counters, making them ideal for showcasing smaller products that you need to draw attention to. Their strategic placement ensures your products are right at eye level with customers, thus increasing the likelihood of them making those all-important impulse purchases that add up to a successful business.

Custom Cardboard Display Boxes: The Eco-Friendly Choice

At VIVO BOXES, we understand the importance of sustainability in the modern business world. That is why our custom cardboard display boxes are not only sturdy but also manufactured in an eco-friendly way. These boxes, made from recyclable materials, provide an excellent option for businesses conscious about their environmental impact. With our custom display boxes, you can, therefore, make a statement about your brand’s commitment to sustainability while still providing eye-catching product packaging that draws the customer in.

Features and Benefits

High-Quality Printing and Die Cutting

Our custom printed display boxes are crafted with precision and care 100 percent of the time. We use high-quality printing techniques to ensure that your branding and design look crisp and vibrant always. The die cutting process we employ allows for intricate designs and shapes, giving you the freedom to create a truly unique packaging solution that reflects your brand’s personality, and allows your products to shine.

Wide Range of Customisation Options

At VIVO BOXES, we offer a wide range of customisation options to suit your specific needs as a company. Whether you need a particular size or shape, our team is dedicated to delivering exactly what you’re looking for when you need it. Our display packaging solutions are not just boxes; they are a reflection of your brand and a tool to create a lasting impression.

Durable and Functional

Durability is so very important when it comes to product packaging, which is why our custom display boxes are designed to withstand the rigours of retail environments, ensuring that your products are well-protected from knocks, bumps and other mishaps. Not only that, but they are also highly functional and pretty easy to assemble, saving you time and hassle, and as you will know, that will lead to greater profits too!

Why Choose VIVO BOXES?

Commitment to Customer Service

At VIVO BOXES, customer service is really quite important to us. We truly believe in building strong and lasting relationships with our clients, and as such, we are fully committed to providing a personalized service that you can bet your life on. Our expert team is always ready to assist with any queries you may have, no matter how big or small, or how basic you think they may be, and we will do all we can to ensure that your experience with us is seamless and satisfactory.

Eco-Friendly Solutions

As a company, it is fair to say that we are extremely conscious of our environmental footprint. We also offer eco-friendly options for businesses looking to make a positive impact on the planet themselves, too. Our custom cardboard display boxes are just one example of our commitment to sustainability, as you will see.

Australian Market Focus

Being an Australian company, we really understand the local market and its unique needs and challenges. We are fully attuned to the trends and preferences of Australian consumers right now, which allows us to provide relevant and effective packaging solutions for businesses operating in the region.

Choose VIVO BOXES today

if you’re looking for custom display boxes, custom counter display boxes, or custom cardboard display boxes, VIVO BOXES is your one-stop solution for all of your box-based business needs in Australia. Our unique combination of high-quality products, extensive customisation options, and commitment to the best possible customer service and sustainability makes us a leader in the industry, and a partner you want to work with. Elevate your product display and packaging with VIVO BOXES, and give your brand the kind of high-level visibility you know it deserves. Check out our website to explore our wide range of products and find the perfect packaging solution for your business sooner, rather than later.

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