Vivo Boxes


Custom Noodle Boxes

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Are you looking for custom noodle boxes? Do you need pasta boxes that are eco-friendly and sturdy? These high-quality noodle boxes are perfect for your pasta distribution and can be customised to suit your requirements. Why not ensure that your packaging stands out from the competition? You can rest assured that choosing to order your customised noodle boxes through VIVO BOXES gives you the benefit of using a one-stop packaging solutions provider for both flexible and rigid packaging needs.

What do you get? 

With the noodles packaging box, you get the guarantee of a high quality product. We are committed to providing eco-friendly packaging solutions that are not just good for the environment but also there is an importance placed on the products that will be packed within them. This means that you can feel confident in your purchase, knowing that you’re helping the planet as well as choosing a pasta box that is customisable to your business and brand. 

In addition, our pasta box packaging is designed to protect your products from damage during shipping and storage. You can rest assured that your products will arrive safely at their destination. If you’re looking for packaging that is both eco-friendly and protective, look no further than Vivo Boxes!

Customisation options 

The best thing about our custom noodle boxes is that they are tailored to suit your business and brand. The pasta boxes come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colours so that you can choose the right fit for your products. This is the perfect solution for your business that provides you with custom services without the hassle or expense of setting up your own printing press. 

We offer a range of templates and designs that you can amend to suit your business and brand, as well as being able to use your own artwork and files. We can offer a full customisation service for the noodles packaging box should you want something more unique. We use high-quality materials and with attention to detail, we are confident that your products delivered in our pasta boxes will look great, stand out from the competition, and deliver your products safely and securely. 

Best-quality Noodle Boxes 

VIVO BOXES is a noodle boxes manufacturer that will print your packaging boxes with artwork to suit your branding. You can submit artwork and files of different sizes, shapes, and layouts. The aim is to provide you with a top-quality packaging option for noodles and pasta products. We are a leading packaging company that provides our clients with quality and premium noodle box packaging services to the whole of Australia.

We understand that your noodle box packaging needs to stand out from the crowd and that you want your products to be noticeable and attention-grabbing in what can be a competitive market. As a result, our specialist designers work round the clock to offer you a protective structure of noodle box printing in order for your customers to know exactly what they are getting. We work with you to bring your ideas to life. 

At VIVO BOXES, we often make use of high-quality printing materials and our unsurpassed know-how in designing custom-printed noodle boxes that guarantee the safety of your products. We appreciate that one of the most important factors is ensuring that we protect the product from damages during transit to you as well as ensuring that they are strong enough to transport your products once being used. 

Noodle Boxes Wholesaler 

You will find that pasta and noodles are served all over the world in restaurants and take-out establishments and therefore there is a real need for noodle boxes in different shapes, colours, and sizes. These customised boxes can be created to suit your requirements to showcase what your business and brand are all about. You can include your branding enabling you to provide string and reliable packaging for your product. VIVO BOXES provides quality and attractive noodle boxes are fantastic wholesale prices in Australia. 

Being a market-leading and specialised supplier of noodle boxes we will ensure that your noodle box packaging is printed and delivered to your specifications and requirements. 

Contact VIVO BOXES for printing and packaging products of noodle boxes at or call (03) 8795 7742 for more enquiries. You can also visit our websites at to learn more about our noodle box packaging and other products that may be of interest to you.

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