Vivo Boxes


Custom Food Boxes

At Vivo Boxes, we pride ourselves on being a premier food box supplier in Australia. Our commitment to high quality, eco friendly packaging solutions stands out in the industry. For businesses looking to elevate their brand, our custom food boxes with logos and bespoke designs are the answer.

Why Custom Food Boxes Are The Future

In a market flooded with generic packaging, it’s crucial for businesses to stand out. A custom food box does more than just hold a food item; it tells a story, conveys a brand’s identity, and leaves a lasting impression. When a customer sees your unique packaging, they instantly recognise the effort and care you put into presenting your products.

Custom Food Packaging Boxes: A Blend Of Functionality And Aesthetics

Not only do our custom packaging solutions offer a beautiful exterior, but they also ensure that the contents are safely and securely held inside. Whether you’re looking for cake boxes or other food packaging supplies, we have you covered. And don’t worry about the environment; our eco friendly approach ensures your brand shines without compromising the planet.

Experience The Best In Custom Food Box Printing

One size doesn’t fit all. That’s why, at Vivo Boxes, we offer custom food box printing, allowing businesses to tailor their boxes online with ease. From vibrant colours to intricate designs, our team of experienced designers ensures that each custom printed food packaging piece resonates with your brand’s voice.

Promote Your Brand With Custom Printed Food Boxes

Want to make a lasting impression? Our custom printed food boxes are the key. By incorporating your brand’s logo and design elements, we help you create a memorable experience for your customers. Plus, with our eco friendly materials and processes, you can rest assured that your brand’s image is built on sustainable foundations.

Elevate Your Products With Our Custom Boxes Online Platform

It’s never been easier to order custom boxes online. With our user-friendly platform, you can seamlessly integrate your designs, choose from a plethora of food packaging boxes, and have them delivered right to your doorstep. As a leading packaging supplier in Melbourne and beyond, we guarantee a hassle-free experience.

A Variety For Every Need: From Cake Boxes To Disposable Packaging

Every food item is unique, and so should its packaging be. Whether you’re searching for durable cake boxes or convenient disposable packaging, Vivo Boxes provides an array of options to suit every need. Our commitment to quality products ensures that each item is crafted with precision and care.

Why Choose Vivo Boxes As Your Packaging Supplier?

At Vivo Boxes, we’ve always prioritised our client’s needs, ensuring they receive the best in packaging solutions. Dive deeper into the four pillars that set us apart:

1. High-Quality Products:

Our commitment to quality is unparalleled. We understand that packaging is the first interaction customers have with your product, and it needs to be impeccable.

  • Durability: Each packaging product is crafted to withstand the rigours of transportation and handling. This means your food items are not only presented beautifully but are also protected from potential damage.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: High quality isn’t limited to functionality. We ensure that each box or package stands out on the shelf, drawing customers’ attention and making your products irresistible.
  • Consistent Excellence: With Vivo Boxes, consistency is a guarantee. Whether it’s your first order or your fiftieth, the standard of quality remains unmatched.

2. Eco Friendly:

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us; it’s a commitment. Vivo Boxes leads with environmentally-friendly practices in the packaging industry.

  • Sustainable Materials: Our sourcing team prioritises materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or derived from sustainable sources. This ensures a minimal footprint on our planet.
  • Green Manufacturing Processes: Our production lines are optimised for energy conservation, water conservation, and reduced waste, further amplifying our eco friendly stance.
  • Educating Clients: We believe in spreading the green message. Our team educates clients on the benefits of eco friendly packaging, helping them make informed choices.

3. Diverse Range:

Every business is unique, and their packaging needs are distinct. Our vast product range is a testament to our adaptability and customer-centric approach.

  • Custom Solutions: From cake boxes to large packaging crates, our portfolio caters to a plethora of requirements, ensuring that every business, regardless of size or sector, finds their ideal packaging solution.
  • Innovative Options: We’re always innovating. As new packaging materials and designs emerge, Vivo Boxes is at the forefront, bringing these innovations to our clients.
  • Budget Flexibility: Our diverse range ensures that businesses of all scales – from startups to conglomerates – can find packaging solutions that fit their budget.

We are more than just a packaging supplier; we are collaborators in your brand’s success story.

In the bustling realm of food packaging in Melbourne and throughout Australia, standing out is paramount. With Vivo Boxes by your side, you’ll have the tools and expertise to create packaging products that not only protect your food items but elevate your brand’s image.

Whether you’re a startup looking for affordable solutions or an established brand aiming to revamp its packaging, we have something for everyone. Dive into the world of custom food packaging boxes with Vivo Boxes and experience the difference that quality, custom designs, and eco friendly practices can make.

Choose Vivo Boxes today – where your brand’s vision comes to life through impeccable packaging solutions.

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